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Creating a Solid Foundation

May 11Th, 2020

Hello! Before getting into this information I would like to introduce my work team members. 
They are my companions in the daily dealings with my horses, you will get to know them better as they will be part of the videos you will be seeing during the yearlings development.

Alex Campos 

Alex is one of my students, she is visiting from England. Alex is part of my internship program, she is currently working on passing her Level 4 with a ++which is one of the best qualification
one can obtain in the levels of the Parelli Program. Next year she would like to go to the Parelli Campus to continue her training and become a Certified Instructor in the Parelli method. 
Alex is a hard worker and I notice her daily progress both in her work and her horsemanship. 

Gustavo Montero

Gustavo is Costa Rican and like Alex ,Gustavo is part of my work team in the dealings with the horses. He is currently learning to trim hooves which is the basis for becoming a farrier.  Gustavo is also interested in learning horsemanship and training horses applying the Parelli Method philosophy. 

Martin Guillen

Martin is also Costa Rican, few people are as passionate as he is about horses and about learning all about them. His calm demeanor is one of his best virtues, it helps in his earning the horses respect and trust easily.  Martin is part of the horse training team. One of his goals is to become a horse trainer applying the Parelli method and a profesional rider.  

Now that you have met three of my team members I will show you the basic handling of the foals which is part of our day to day activity and one we thoroughly enjoy .

In the first video you will be able to observe as the yearlings are led from their paddock to their stall, this is interesting as it allows us to observe what the herd dynamic is like.  

All the yearlings know it is time to go to their stall and they move near to the paddocks gate, during this process we can observe how they move each other. The way in which Hawaiana moves Hechicera catches my attention ( body language) 

First we see how Martin puts the halters on, there are no problems with this and the yearlings are led in pairs to their stalls. 

The ideal way is to lead the yearlings in a calm manner, they should respect our personal space.  The safety of the human and the yearlings safety is the main objective during the whole trajectory and we look for harmony along the way.  

Once in the barn we concentrate on cleaning their hooves , in the videos we have shown how to put the halters on. The horse bends his neck towards us and participates as a companion. 
During the cleaning of the hooves we want the horse to give gently into the pressure when we ask for the foot and for him to remain calm while we clean it. 
In the second video you can observe the grooming process just like we do it in this level of training. At the bottom of each video you will see the score I gave each yearling for it’s behavior. 

Holandesa with Gustavo
Putting the halter on: 10
Hoof cleaning :9.5
Note: Gustavo does an excellent job of holding the leg until she relaxes and allows him to handle it.

Hawaiana with Ale
Putting the halter on: 10
Hoof cleaning: 9.5

Hendrix with Alex
Putting the halter on: 10
Leading to stall: 9 - tension due to the dog
Hoof cleaning: 9

Hakasan with Gustavo 
Putting the halter on: 10
Hoof cleaning: 8
Note: There is no relaxation, needs more work in the acceptance of the human and the handling of extremities. 

Herencia with Ale 
Putting the halter on: 10
Hoof cleaning: 9
Note: Resistance in left foreleg and hind leg . Curiosity towards the hat.

Habanero with Alex
Putting the halter on: 10
Hoof cleaning: 8
Note: slight resistance and needs more work in the relationship

 In our next blog I will introduce you to the advanced Friendly game with different objects. We will continue working on relaxation and the acceptance of the cleaning of their hooves specially with the 3 yearlings that show resistance : Hakasan, Habanero and Holandesa. 

If you have any questions or comments write them in the comments or send them to :

If you are interested in learning about Natural Horsemanship with the Parelli Method and would like to know more about the different course options visit my web site:

I leave you for now! But don’t forget to visit our blog next week!


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