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Starting again! Welcome 2020

Starting again! Welcome 2021; with all the positivism that I have 

(and the people that know me know it is a lot!) I wish you all a wonderful new year full of good health; healthy relationships filled with affection, support and solidarity; personal growth and achievements with your horses. 

All beginnings allow us the opportunity to do things better and to apply what we have learned.

Horses are wonderful creatures, every second that we are with them they are teaching us. They have survived  thousands of million of years thanks to their great ability to adapt; 2020 was a difficult year, complicated and full of tough challenges. But thanks to the experience we have been able to learn, develop and practice our ability to adapt ( we have learned so much!) 

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of seeing you during 2021 in  my virtual courses and soon in-person in my clases and clinics. 

This year I will be launching my website where it will be easier to find all the information you are interested in.  It will also include many gifts for those that enjoy learning new or different ways to develop the relationship and communication we wish to achieve with our horses. 

In addition to: The 7 Games and Horsenalities I will be offering the new virtual course “ The Secret of Connection” in which we will dig deeply into developing the invisible connection with which we bond with our horse and trully become their companion and friend.  

I will be offering in-person dressage classes and clinics on “ Seat and Core” in order to improve your riding, being more aware of your body and developing corporal balance .

 Through my blog I will be keeping you updated as to the development of the yearlings and young horses which will be making their debut in dressage this year in addition to giving you pointers and solutions on how to solve handling issues along with other topics in order to continue learning and growing together!


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A weekend at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida.

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